A white palm slapped down his crown.

Great power directly penetrated his skull and shattered Yuan Shen!
Zheng Mao’s eyes were dim, and he was holding the message ofuda in his palm. Before it came, he tore it up and fell to the ground.
Continuous release of the real dragon and nine flashes while Zheng Mao stupidly killed Su Mo with a palm without giving him a chance to respond!
"You …"
Li Xuan was shocked when he was shocked, and immediately he was furious. Cang solicitation took out a backhand to punish the knife, and the blood surged out of his mouth.
He wants to say how bold you are.
But this sentence he said a word to see Su Mo killed Zheng Mao and kept turning around and descended on him!
"You also accept life!"
Su Mo exhales and holds out the palm of his hand to condense the big mixed palm and severely suppress Li Xuan’s face!
Big mixed hands burst into breath, twisted and crushed, which made a gas explosion around them breathtaking.
Li Xuan’s words were blocked back by this tragic atmosphere before he could say them.
Li Xuan’s heart was frightened to run the body’s qi and blood to the limit, and his hands swung the punishment knife towards Su Mo’s big mixed yuan palm to cut it in the past.
Su Mo has no intention of stopping.
"Looking for death!"
Li Xuan sneer at in my heart.
In his hand, the sharp knife cuts gold and jade, which is a perfect terrace fairy magic weapon. Can flesh and blood fight hard?
In the Jin Dynasty, the weapons in Wei’s hands will not be too bad.
The punishment of the knife and the smashing of the palm of the hand turned out to be extremely harsh!
"How is it possible!"
Li Xuan was frightened to disgrace
Before he could react, he felt a strong and violent twisting force explode instantly.
He can’t hold the butcher’s knife in his hands and fly away directly!
At present, violet is really powerful and can shake the innate magic weapon.
He won’t be hurt by a knife!
Su Mo took the punishment knife away and threw it backhand.
The long Dao directly pierced the black golden feather armor and stabbed Li Xuan through the heart, and the qi and blood instantly declined!
The lethality of the same knife in different hands is very different.
Su Mo’s knife not only broke Li Xuan’s chest, but also shattered his black gold feather armor.
Violent knife gas also cut Li Xuan’s viscera into pieces.
This body has been completely ruined!
Life and death hang by a thread. Li Xuan reacted very quickly and prepared Yuan Shen to escape from this place.
But Su Mo reacted faster and stabbed Li Xuan’s chest and palm with a knife, and then caught Li Xuan’s face surging with vitality and instantly condensed out a prison.
Li Xuanyuan can’t escape, but he can honestly stay in the sea!
Sue ink cold eyes staring at the front Li Xuan to his palm directly can be beheaded!
"Hey, hey!"
Li Xuan self-knowledge born to die looked at the front Su Mo laughing while coughing up blood "Su Mo even if you kill me, you can’t escape! The temple has already brought people here, so you will die! "
I heard that Sue ink in the heart again doubt palm force directly to Li Xuan head crush yuan god silence!
Su Mo surly.
As he expected, his identity has been exposed.